From openstack-installer base we want to add additional nova-compute services for different types of virtualization. The setup we have keeps one hypervisor type on one machine. This means that we have one machine dedicated KVM, another dedicated LXC, etc. When we want/need more of a particular hypervisor, just tell Juju and it will create a new machine with the same config as the first charm.

OpenStack starts you off with a single nova-compute of virtualization KVM. To begin, set Juju environment as described in a previous post on the MaaS server. Use Juju to create another nova-compute charm, edit the configuration, and create the relations.

juju deploy –to 4 nova-compute nova-compute-lxc

juju set nova-compute-lxc openstack-origin=cloud:trusty-kilo

juju add-relation nova-compute-lxc nova-cloud-controller

juju add-relation nova-compute-lxc glance

juju add-relation nova-compute-lxc rabbitmq-server

juju add-relation nova-compute-lxc mysql

juju add-relation nova-compute-lxc ntp

juju add-relation nova-compute-lxc neutron-openvswitch

After the setup you can edit the configuration (if supported) through Juju, or you can edit nova’s configuration manually if it is not supported by the charm (like Docker).